Anonymous Tips
Tips can be submitted anonymously or with contact and/or location information. It is up to the tipster to choose how they submit. The system allows secure two-way communication that allows the tipster to remain anonymous.
Tip service provides automatic notification into the computer-aided dispatch system for clients using Relativity’s Computer Aided Dispatch System (RPS-CAD) as well as direct to the designated administrator’s mobile device. Potential Organizations that can benefit from QuikTips
- Governmental Organizations
- Schools and other Campus-based organizations
- Public Safety Organizations
- Corporate, Hospitality, Gaming, and Retail organizations
Emergency Notification
QuikTip provides administrators the ability to broadcast emergency notification information from the mobile/smartphone device, from the web interface, or from the RPS-integrated dispatch component. One-shot notification system can be fully integrated with Campus Emergency Notification to either receive and rebroadcast incoming emergency information or to feed into existing campus and other broadcast notification systems.
RPS CAD-Dispatch Integration
For clients using the RPS-Computer-Aided Dispatch component, Quiktip provides an immediate pop-up notification that can be converted into a dispatch call in one click. It also allows the dispatcher to immediately communicate with the sender if other information is needed while allowing the tipster to remain anonymous.
For more information, visit
Sample items reported via QuikTip
- Animal Abuse
- Wandering Children
- Kids locked in a hot car
- Drug dealer
- Drug users in a public place
- Illegal parking
- Potential threat information
- Power outages
- Bullying
- School Violence